Friday, September 21, 2007

Cigarettes make fatty deposits in your arteries (if you smoke)

This is looks gross, but is nevertheless true: smoking helps build up fat in your veins.Each smoked cigarette builds up the fatty deposits in arteries.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Smoking is a dangerous dependency

This is what can actually happen to hard-core smokers. Instead of just quitting smoking, the person on the image below decided to continue smoking through the neck?!! Now how sick is that? Talk about dependency... Well, a shocking but good anti-smoking reminder!
This is what happens to smokers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another anti-smoking ad for laughs

An ingenious anti-smoking ad: combining the marlboro cowboy ad look with the well-known movie Brokeback Mountain. A really good idea for an anti-smoking advertisement!
Anti-smoking comical advertisement. Just quit smoking and start laughing!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Thai warnings on the health hazards of smoking

The warnings on cigarette boxes in thailand are sure very graphic indeed, but they do have a strong effect on anyone who is smoking: just looking at them makes you feel uneasy, let alone if you are a smoker!

Warnings about health hazards posed to smokers, on cigarette boxes in Thailand.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Comical anti-smoking ad

This one is really funny heheheee - a fun and easy way to make a smoker go away.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A politically incorrect anti-smoking cartoon

LOL LOL LOL this one is so funny I nearly fell of my chair hahahaa
A witty anti-smoking cartoon.
Just quit smoking and you won't look like the guy on the picture.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hilarious anti-smoking video advertisement

This one is really brilliant... smoking can really be hazardous and damaging to your health.

Remember to just quit smoking!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Smoking compared to exhaust fumes

Here is another take on smoking: the smoker is compared to an exhaust pipe and its gases. This thing can be mounted onto any car. An excellent anti-smoking ad!

Smoking is highly damaging to your health.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Simplicity always works.

Smoking kills. Just quit smoking!Simplicity always works. This is so true if you take a look at this anti-smoking advertisement. The poster is taken from the Belgian anti-smoking campaign, It is obvious that the graphics represent the design of a Marlboro cigarette box. The triangle made with red fill outlines is a road... to the graveyard. The small cross at its end is so subtle a touch, I really congratulate the designer(s) who had this idea. Hats off to a great campaign that helps to quit smoking!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Giving up smoking - a great Dave Allen comedy video about quitting smoking

Dave Allen is a really great comedian. Check out his video about quitting smoking!

Just quit smoking with a smile!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Smoking causes male impotence

An excellent anti-smoking ad on a pack of cigarettes: a clear message why you should just quit smoking. You don't want to be impotent, do you?
Smoking causes impotence and serious health problems!

Friday, August 24, 2007

A new crush-proof cigarette box hehehe

Another smoking advertisement parody!

A Merit cigarettes ad parody

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Anti-smoking campaign

An excellent anti-smoking campaign, made for world no tobacco day. Stopping smoking means stopping lung cancer! Just quit smoking!

Anti-smoking campaign: quit smoking!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Smoking kills - again. Another Marlboro parody ad.

The ads against smoking are often funny, but it seems to me that the most frequently parodied ads are those of Marlboro. They've got a good those of morbid humour - always reminding the public that smoking kills, provokes impotency, cancer and all the other cigarette-related diseases.

An anti-smoking campaign ad with a good dose of humour.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Smoking leads to early grave

Great anti-smoking ad meant for a younger audience, to make them think what smoking brings with it.

Smokers die younger.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cigarettes kill cockroaches also

Don't smoke in the vicinity of cockroaches.

A notice against throwing cigarettes on the ground with a sense of humour.

Smoking kills third world population

American Lung Association has made this great although disturbing flyer, which says that 'According to Action on Smoking and Health, by 2030, smoking-related deaths in the third world will have risen a staggering 600 per cent - from one million to seven million deaths per year."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Marlboro ad parody

This anti-smoking ad is hilarious! :) The fine print says "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking causes hypothermia as well as premature death." Lol lol lol :)

Smoking outside on a cold winter day can cause you to freeze!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Smoking kills.

Many metaphors. One good message: Smoking kills.

Smoking really kills.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Top 10 Reasons Not to Quit Smoking

  1. You like spending an average of $1,000 on cigarettes a year. Why visit an exotic place or buy your kid a new pair of sneakers when you can inhale the tobacco from more than 6,000 cigarettes?
  2. You love when your fingers look like you dipped them in spent nuclear fuel. That dark yellow/orange crust on your fingertips saves you from having to put on make-up during Halloween.
  3. Choosing a mate is far more easier. You can shove aside all the bars and restaurants for non-smokers. Health clubs, gyms and spas too. See? Life suddenly got a lot more easier.
  4. Smokers have more money. You don't have to spend a single dime on perfume or deodorant. You like reeking of cigarette smoke.
  5. Smokers look better. This one is true - nicotine dumbs your hunger center in your brain, so you don't have to worry about gaining weight. Less food for your body - great shape - more money in your pocket - more success with the opposite sex. One thing leads to another. Just remember not to stop smoking, because you'll become a ball of lard if you do that - food is just too tempting a replacement for cigarettes. Hell, you may even begin to have problems with your heart, because of too much fat.
  6. Cigarettes are still considered to be the best gadget around. Who looks mondo cool - a kid with an iPod or a cool kid with a smoke hanging from his lips? Howdy, pardner.
  7. Smokers get more exercice. When you need a cigarette badly and there are none to be found at your place (you smoked them all, remember), you will go outside and seek those divine tobacco sticks, no matter what time of day or night it might be. Walking is a healthy exercice. If you happen to leave on an isolated spot, you may even get into your car and cross an even greater distance and feel even better.
  8. If you smoke, you look better than Chuck Norris. Chuck doesn't smoke, he is stuck in a vicious circle of trying to look cool with roundhouse kicks, while he could just buy a nice pack of cigarettes and put an end to his sorry attempts at cool. Poor Chuck.
  9. Smoking couples have a more lasting and satisfying marriage. Nicotine is a powerful bond. After having great sex with your loved one, you will certainly light a cigarette. This is a really, really good thing to do because it makes a strong link in your subconscious mind between an orgasm and a cigarette. This is also called investing in a safe future. If your significant other ever dies of lung cancer, you can always masturbate and smoke a cigarette afterwards, felling exactly the same as you would if you just had sex with your loved one.
  10. Hitler was a non-smoker. You still want to quit smoking?

A subtle ad: quit smoking because of others!

"Passive smoking kills" - You can read it in small print on this very well done anti-smoking ad. Have you ever thought about those around you, who are not smokers? Yes, thousands of people get sick and a lot die too, because of passive smoking - the inhalation of cigarette smoke made by other people. If you've got to smoke, at least spare your surroundings and enable them to breathe fresh air.

Sherlock Holmes in an anti-smoking advertisement.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Scary ads call to quit smoking

A series of ads appeared in Great Britain in May of this year as a part of an anti-smoking campaign. Soon, the ads that you can see below were pulled of the air because they were deemed to scary. Kids were scared when they saw people being dragged away by fishing hooks - a smoking addiction metaphor.

I agree that these ads can be scary for kids (one featured a mum being pulled away from the room where her child was present), but why take them off the air altogether? Why not air them during late evening and night hours, when the kids are asleep? I would air them in late evening, because they are so effective. It is such a shame that such a magnificent piece of anti-smoking campaign was shut down.

A really effective ad calling upon people to quit smoking.
Click on the image to see the full size.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The best ashtray around

The Singapore Cancer Society has made this very creative ashtray. Try smoking with it on the table and not thinking about the consequences of your nicotine habit.

An ashtray in form of lungs against smoking.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fantastic cigarette-flyer against smoking

The people who came up with this idea are really inventive! What looks like a cigarette is in fact a flyer rolled like one. These cigarette-look-alike flyers are left on the street. When someone picks it up and unrolls it, a message is clearly seen that says "Because not only you need a cigarette, but you also need help." Clever! :)

The message on the left reads "Direct marketing public action, without a database."
Kudos to the authors!

Amazing cigarette-shaped flyer!
Click on the image to see it in full size.

A cool anti-smoking billboard

This one sure does raise awareness about the worthlessness and dangers of smoking.

Anti-smoking billboard that raises awareness about health hazards that smoking brings.

Do you think it's effective enough?

Monday, August 6, 2007

A great anti-smoking advertisement to start with

This anti-smoking ad is one of the best I've ever seen. It really gets to your subconscious, doesn't it? The idea of linking the bus exhaust pipe with a cigarette - brilliant!

A great anti-smoking advertisement on a public bus.

It says "Ready to quit?"